@misc{rosenthal_sea_truth_1992, author={Rosenthal, W.,Atanassov, V.,Koch, W.,Ziemer, F.}, title={Sea truth and model data for surface waves compared with ERS-1 SAR}, year={1992}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture,GKSS report: Penhors (F); 27.-30.04.1992}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Rosenthal, W.; Atanassov, V.; Koch, W.; Ziemer, F.: Sea truth and model data for surface waves compared with ERS-1 SAR. In: Wooding, M. (Ed.): ERS-1 Geophysical Validation: Workshop Proceedings. Penhors (F). 1992. 179-186.}}