@misc{riebesell_raman_lidar_1988, author={Riebesell, M.,Voss, E.,Lahmann, W.,Weitkamp, C.,Michaelis, W.}, title={Raman lidar for vertical moisture profiling}, year={1988}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Boulder, CO (USA); 31.05.-03.06.1988}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Riebesell, M.; Voss, E.; Lahmann, W.; Weitkamp, C.; Michaelis, W.: Raman lidar for vertical moisture profiling. In: Lower Troposheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies; A Symposium to critically review and evaluate scientific needs and assess currents and projected technologies. Boulder, CO (USA). 1988. 201-202.}}