@misc{rendtel_oxidation_effects_1997, author={Rendtel, P.,Rendtel, A.,Huebner, H.}, title={Oxidation Effects in Si3N4 and Si3N4/SiC Nanocomposites}, year={1997}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Mons (B); November 18-20, 1997}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Rendtel, P.; Rendtel, A.; Huebner, H.: Oxidation Effects in Si3N4 and Si3N4/SiC Nanocomposites. In: Leriche, A.; Lardot, V.; Libert, D.; Urbain, I. (Ed.): Ceramic-Ceramic Composites IV; Extended Abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Ceramic Composites. Mons (B). 1997. 267-269.}}