@misc{quante_three_aircraft_1992, author={Quante, M.,Baumann, R.,Brown, P. R.,Busen, R.,Guillemet, B.}, title={Three aircraft wind and turbulence intercomparision during the PRE-EUCREX campain}, year={1992}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Clermont-Ferrand (F); June 1-4, 1992}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Quante, M.; Baumann, R.; Brown, P.; Busen, R.; Guillemet, B.: Three aircraft wind and turbulence intercomparision during the PRE-EUCREX campain. In: Guillemet, B. (Ed.): ICE/EUCREX: International Cirrus Experiment/European Cloud Rediation Experiment; Fifth Workshop. Clermont-Ferrand (F). 1992. 71-76.}}