@misc{mecklenburg_advantages_of_1991, author={Mecklenburg, J.,Cui, H.,Szelagowski, P.,Schafstall, H.-G.}, title={Advantages of a combined GTAW- and GMAW-orbital system for mechanised underwater welding}, year={1991}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Edinburgh (GB); August 11-16, 1991}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Mecklenburg, J.; Cui, H.; Szelagowski, P.; Schafstall, H.: Advantages of a combined GTAW- and GMAW-orbital system for mechanised underwater welding. In: Ellinas, C.; Puthli, R.; Ueda, Y.; Berg, S. (Ed.): The Proceedings of the First (1991) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE '91). Edinburgh (GB). 1991. 347-354.}}