@misc{kocak_effects_of_1988, author={Kocak, M.,Chen, L.,Schwalbe, K.-H.,Gnirss, G.}, title={Effects of notch position and weld metal matching on CTOD of HAZ}, year={1988}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture,GKSS report: London (GB); November 21-24, 1988}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Kocak, M.; Chen, L.; Schwalbe, K.; Gnirss, G.: Effects of notch position and weld metal matching on CTOD of HAZ. In: Harrison, J. (Ed.): International Conference on Weld Failures; Preprints. London (GB). 1988. P7/1-P7/10.}}