@misc{hilke_investigations_of_1996, author={Hilke, R.,Albrecht, W.,Weigel, T.,Darkow, R.,Groth, T.,Paul, D.}, title={Investigations of filtration/refiltration hollow fibre module system for processing of solutions}, year={1996}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Yokohama (J); 18.-23.08.1996}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Hilke, R.; Albrecht, W.; Weigel, T.; Darkow, R.; Groth, T.; Paul, D.: Investigations of filtration/refiltration hollow fibre module system for processing of solutions. In: The Membrane Society of Japan (Ed.): ICOM '96: The 1996 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes; Proceedings. Yokohama (J). 1996. 776-777.}}