@misc{groth_matrix_production_1998, author={Groth, T.,Altankov, G.,Teichert, S.,Seifert, B.,Hesse, R.,Albrecht, W.,Paul, D.}, title={Matrix Production of Human Fibroblasts on Non-Biological Substrata}, year={1998}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Hannover (D); 15.-17.10.1998}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Groth, T.; Altankov, G.; Teichert, S.; Seifert, B.; Hesse, R.; Albrecht, W.; Paul, D.: Matrix Production of Human Fibroblasts on Non-Biological Substrata. In: 1. International Workshop on Principles and Perspectives of Tissue Engineering for Basic and Applied Research. Hannover (D). 1998. 64.}}