@misc{gerling_a_novel_1992, author={Gerling, R.,Schimansky, F. P.,Wagner, R.}, title={A novel inert gas atomization facility for the production of intermetallic titanium-based alloy powders}, year={1992}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture,GKSS report: San Diego, CA (USA); June 28-July 2, 1992}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Gerling, R.; Schimansky, F.; Wagner, R.: A novel inert gas atomization facility for the production of intermetallic titanium-based alloy powders. In: Froes, F.; Caplan, J. (Ed.): Titanium '92 Science and Technology. San Diego, CA (USA). 1992. 1025-1032.}}