@misc{eppel_nonstationary_3d_1991, author={Eppel, D. P.,Mengelkamp, H.-T.,Jacob, D.,Kapitza, H.,Koch, W.}, title={Nonstationary 3-d simulation of air-flow and pollutant transport in the coastal region of Northern Germany and the Oresund}, year={1991}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Ierapetra (GR); September 29-October 4, 1991}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Eppel, D.; Mengelkamp, H.; Jacob, D.; Kapitza, H.; Koch, W.: Nonstationary 3-d simulation of air-flow and pollutant transport in the coastal region of Northern Germany and the Oresund. In: Dop, H.; Kallos, G. (Ed.): Air Pollution Modeling and its Application: IX. Nato Committee on the challenge of Modern Society (CCMS). Ierapetra (GR). 1991. 133-142.}}