@misc{csikai_activation_cross_1990, author={Csikai, J.,Buczko, C. M.,Pepelnik, R.,Agrawal, H.M.}, title={Activation cross sections related to nuclear heating of high TCsuperconductors}, year={1990}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Argonne, IL (USA); September 11-12, 1989}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Csikai, J.; Buczko, C.; Pepelnik, R.; Agrawal, H.: Activation cross sections related to nuclear heating of high TCsuperconductors. In: Wang, D. (Ed.): Activation cross sections for the Generation of Long-Lived Radionuclides of Importance in Fusion Reactor Technology - Proceedings of an IAEA Constultants' Meeting held at Argonne National Laboratory, INDC(NDS) - 232/L.. Argonne, IL (USA). 1990. 61-67.}}