@misc{cam_characterization_of_1995, author={Cam, G.,Dobi, D.,Kocak, M.,Heikinheimo, L.,Siren, M.}, title={Characterization of the diffusion bonded interface between Ti and Al}, year={1995}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture,GKSS report: Aachen (D); 27.-29.06.1995}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Cam, G.; Dobi, D.; Kocak, M.; Heikinheimo, L.; Siren, M.: Characterization of the diffusion bonded interface between Ti and Al. In: LOT '95: 4th International Conference on Brazing, High Temperature Brazing and Diffusion Bonding. Aachen (D). 1995. 233-238.}}