@misc{auer_reversible_selfassembly_1997, author={Auer, F.,Sellergren, B.,Swietlow, A.,Arnebrant, T.,Unger, K.,Schubert, D. W.,Stamm, M.,Zizlsperger, M.,Knoll, W.}, title={Reversible self-assembly of bis-benzamidine monolayers on thiol modified gold wafers: Characterization of new molecular recognition elements for biosensors}, year={1997}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Newport, RI (USA); July 13-18, 1997}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Auer, F.; Sellergren, B.; Swietlow, A.; Arnebrant, T.; Unger, K.; Schubert, D.; Stamm, M.; Zizlsperger, M.; Knoll, W.: Reversible self-assembly of bis-benzamidine monolayers on thiol modified gold wafers: Characterization of new molecular recognition elements for biosensors. Gordon Research Conference on Membranes: Organic Thin Films. Newport, RI (USA), 1997.}}