@misc{ansmann_measurement_of_1990, author={Ansmann, A.,Riebesell, M.,Wandinger, U.,Weitkamp, C.,Michaelis, W.}, title={Measurement of water vapor and optical properties of cirrus with a combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar}, year={1990}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Tomsk (RUS); 23.-27.07.1990}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Ansmann, A.; Riebesell, M.; Wandinger, U.; Weitkamp, C.; Michaelis, W.: Measurement of water vapor and optical properties of cirrus with a combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar. In: Gordov, E.; Samokhvalov, I. (Ed.): Fifteenth International Laser Radar Conference: Part I; Session 4: Clouds, fogs and other optically dense aerosol media. Tomsk (RUS). 1990. 365-368.}}