@misc{wandinger_measurements_with_1990, author={Wandinger, U.,Ansmann, A.,Weitkamp, C.,Michaelis, W.}, title={Measurements with the GKSS combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar during the International Cirrus Experiment (ICE 89)}, year={1990}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Orvieto (I); October 25-27, 1990}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Wandinger, U.; Ansmann, A.; Weitkamp, C.; Michaelis, W.: Measurements with the GKSS combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar during the International Cirrus Experiment (ICE 89). Experimental Cloud Lidar Pilot Study: ECLIPS Workshop. Orvieto (I), 1990.}}