@misc{wallschlaeger_mercury_fluxes_1996, author={Wallschlaeger, D.,Kock, H. H.,Schroeder, W. H.,Ebinghaus, R.,Wilken, R.-D.}, title={Mercury fluxes from contaminated floodplains to the atmosphere – their determination and mechanism}, year={1996}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Hamburg (D); 4. August 1996}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Wallschlaeger, D.; Kock, H.; Schroeder, W.; Ebinghaus, R.; Wilken, R.: Mercury fluxes from contaminated floodplains to the atmosphere – their determination and mechanism. 4th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. Hamburg (D), 1996.}}