@misc{stuhrmann_new_techniques_1995, author={Stuhrmann, H. B.,Bartels, K. S.,Marmotti, M.,Sayers, Z.,Schulze, U.,Stuhrmann, S.,Thomas, J.,Trame, C.,Knoechel, A.}, title={New techniques of soft X-ray diffraction}, year={1995}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Grenoble (F); August 21-25, 1995}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Stuhrmann, H.; Bartels, K.; Marmotti, M.; Sayers, Z.; Schulze, U.; Stuhrmann, S.; Thomas, J.; Trame, C.; Knoechel, A.: New techniques of soft X-ray diffraction. 5th International Conference on Biophysics and Synchrotron Radiation. Grenoble (F), 1995.}}