@misc{panasyuk_comparative_estimation_1999, author={Panasyuk, V. V.,Dietzel, W.,Nykyforchyn, H. M.,Dmytrakh, I. M.,Tsyrulnyk, O. T.}, title={Comparative estimation of the different methods for KIscc determining of the structural steels}, year={1999}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Lviv (UA); 15.-17.09.1999}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Panasyuk, V.; Dietzel, W.; Nykyforchyn, H.; Dmytrakh, I.; Tsyrulnyk, O.: Comparative estimation of the different methods for KIscc determining of the structural steels. In: International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Materials and Structural Integrity. Lviv (UA). 1999. 301-304.}}