@misc{klatt_nucleation_and_1996, author={Klatt, M.,Bellmann, D.,Kampmann, R.,Wagner, R.,Huebner, H.}, title={Nucleation and growth of creep pores in liquid-phase-sintered alumina investigated by small angle neutron scattering}, year={1996}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Campinas (BR); July 21-25, 1996}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Klatt, M.; Bellmann, D.; Kampmann, R.; Wagner, R.; Huebner, H.: Nucleation and growth of creep pores in liquid-phase-sintered alumina investigated by small angle neutron scattering. SAS-96: X. International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering. Campinas (BR), 1996.}}