@misc{danne_observing_boundary_1994, author={Danne, O.,Mace, G. G.,Clothiaux, E.,Dong, X.,Ackerman, T.,Quante, M.}, title={Observing boundary layer and cirrus clouds with a 94 GHz radar}, year={1994}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Hamburg (D); August 30-September 2, 1994}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Danne, O.; Mace, G.; Clothiaux, E.; Dong, X.; Ackerman, T.; Quante, M.: Observing boundary layer and cirrus clouds with a 94 GHz radar. Third International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies. Hamburg (D), 1994.}}