@misc{bernem_watis__1989, author={Bernem, K.-H.van,Krasemann, H.L.,Lisken, A.,Mueller, A.,Patzig, S.,Riethmueller, R.}, title={WATiS – an information system for the German Wadden Sea}, year={1989}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Siena (I); 15.-19.09.1989}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Bernem, K.; Krasemann, H.; Lisken, A.; Mueller, A.; Patzig, S.; Riethmueller, R.: WATiS – an information system for the German Wadden Sea. 5th European Ecology Symposium: Antropogenic perturbations of ecological systems: the need to transfer from principles to applications. Siena (I), 1989.}}