@misc{ansmann_feasibility_of_1989, author={Ansmann, A.,Riebesell, M.,Weitkamp, C.}, title={Feasibility of the determination of the aerosol extinction correction to differential absorption and scattering lidar ozone measurements from Raman lidar data}, year={1989}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Bilthoven (NL); June 8-9, 1989}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Ansmann, A.; Riebesell, M.; Weitkamp, C.: Feasibility of the determination of the aerosol extinction correction to differential absorption and scattering lidar ozone measurements from Raman lidar data. TESLAS Tropospheric Environmental Studies by Laser Sounding: Third International Project Meeting. Bilthoven (NL), 1989.}}