@misc{wallschlaeger_mechanism_and_2000, author={Wallschlaeger, D.,Kock, H. H.,Schroeder, W.,Lindberg, S.,Ebinghaus, R.,Wilken, R.-D.}, title={Mechanism and significance of mercury volatilization from contaminated floodplains of the German river Elbe}, year={2000}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Wallschlaeger, D.; Kock, H.; Schroeder, W.; Lindberg, S.; Ebinghaus, R.; Wilken, R.: Mechanism and significance of mercury volatilization from contaminated floodplains of the German river Elbe. Atmospheric Environment. 2000. vol. 34, 3745-3755.}}