@misc{danne_relationships_between_1999, author={Danne, O.,Quante, M.,Milferstaedt, D.,Lemke, H.,Raschke, E.}, title={Relationships between Doppler spectral moments within large-scale cirro- and altostratus cloud fields observed by a ground-based 95 GHz cloud radar}, year={1999}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Danne, O.; Quante, M.; Milferstaedt, D.; Lemke, H.; Raschke, E.: Relationships between Doppler spectral moments within large-scale cirro- and altostratus cloud fields observed by a ground-based 95 GHz cloud radar. Journal of Applied Meteorology. 1999. vol. 38, 175-189.}}