@misc{bisling_combined_lidar_1996, author={Bisling, P.,Glauer, J.,Koehler, S.,Bell, T.,Weitkamp, C.,Jasbinschek, D.,Knaps, A.,Moellmann-Coers, M.}, title={Combined lidar remote sensing of ozone in the planetary boundary layer and SF6 tracer dispersion experiments during Schauinsland 95''}, year={1996}, howpublished = {journal article,GKSS report}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Bisling, P.; Glauer, J.; Koehler, S.; Bell, T.; Weitkamp, C.; Jasbinschek, D.; Knaps, A.; Moellmann-Coers, M.: Combined lidar remote sensing of ozone in the planetary boundary layer and SF6 tracer dispersion experiments during Schauinsland 95''. Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie. 1996. vol. 196, 135-155.}}