@misc{ansmann_lidar_network_1993, author={Ansmann, A.,Boesenberg, J.,Brogniez, G.,Elouragini, S.,Flamant, P. H.,Klapheck, K. H.,Linne, H.,Meneger, L.,Michaelis, W.,Riebesell, M.,Senff, C.,Thro, P. Y.,Wandinger, U.,Weitkamp, C.}, title={Lidar network observations of cirrus morphological and scattering properties during the International Cirrus Experiment 1989: the 18 October 1989 case study and statistical analysis}, year={1993}, howpublished = {journal article,GKSS report}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Ansmann, A.; Boesenberg, J.; Brogniez, G.; Elouragini, S.; Flamant, P.; Klapheck, K.; Linne, H.; Meneger, L.; Michaelis, W.; Riebesell, M.; Senff, C.; Thro, P.; Wandinger, U.; Weitkamp, C.: Lidar network observations of cirrus morphological and scattering properties during the International Cirrus Experiment 1989: the 18 October 1989 case study and statistical analysis. Journal of Applied Meteorology. 1993. vol. 32, 1608-1622.}}