@misc{wienken_hydrogen_in_2022, author={Wienken, E., Puszkiel, J., Bellosta von Colbe, J., Covarrubias Guarneros, M., Fleming, L., Kaufmann, T., Krause, P., Warfsmann, J., Wildner, L., Kutzner, H., Matthias, S., Klassen, T., Jepsen, J.}, title={Hydrogen in stationary applications: Coupling the electricity; gas and mobility sectors}, year={2022}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Stralsund (DEU);}, note = {Wienken, E.; Puszkiel, J.; Bellosta von Colbe, J.; Covarrubias Guarneros, M.; Fleming, L.; Kaufmann, T.; Krause, P.; Warfsmann, J.; Wildner, L.; Kutzner, H.; Matthias, S.; Klassen, T.; Jepsen, J.: Hydrogen in stationary applications: Coupling the electricity; gas and mobility sectors. 29. REGWA Energie-Symposium 2022. Stralsund (DEU), 2022.}}