@misc{latzko_metal_hydrides_2019, author={Latzko, A.}, title={Metal hydrides for mobile hydrogen storage: Ab- and desorption behavior of TiCrMn at low temperatures and evaluation of compacted TiFeMn}, year={2019}, howpublished = {master thesis: Hochschule Stralsund}, abstract = {Metal hydrides are considered a promising alternative to conventional hydrogen storage systems. For this reason, the two hydride forming alloys TiCrMn and TiFeMn are studied regarding their applicability in the mobility sector. For TiCrMn, the sorption behavior at temperatures below 0 °C is investigated. Based on experiments, semiempirical models are developed to describe the absorption and desorption behavior within the above mentioned temperature range. TiFeMn, on the contrary, is tested in regards of compaction behavior. Compaction is carried out using a jolting volumeter and a hydraulic press. Based on the results, the e_ect of compaction on the absorption and desorption behavior is investigated.}, note = {Latzko, A.: Metal hydrides for mobile hydrogen storage: Ab- and desorption behavior of TiCrMn at low temperatures and evaluation of compacted TiFeMn. Hochschule Stralsund, 2019.}}