@misc{taube_low_pressure_2019, author={Taube, K., Capurso, G., Lutz, M., Bürger, I., Jepsen, J.}, title={Low pressure, high capacity hydrogen storage in a combined metal hydride - heat storage system}, year={2019}, howpublished = {conference lecture (invited): Hamburg (DEU);}, abstract = {This talk describes the basic principles of design and operation of such a so called adiabatic tank system. A small scale prototype will be realised in a project funded by the German Karl-Vossloh Stiftung and tested related to mobile applications, in particular railways.}, note = {Taube, K.; Capurso, G.; Lutz, M.; Bürger, I.; Jepsen, J.: Low pressure, high capacity hydrogen storage in a combined metal hydride - heat storage system. 14th International Hydrail Conference. Hamburg (DEU), 2019.}}