@misc{heilemann_laser_metal_2017, author={Heilemann, M., Moeller, M., Emmelmann, C., Burkhardt, I., Riekehr, S., Ventzke, V., Kashaev, N., Enz, J.}, title={Laser Metal Deposition of Ti-6Al-4V Structures: Analysis of the Build Height Dependent Microstructure and Mechanical Properties}, year={2017}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Pittsburgh, PA (USA);}, note = {Heilemann, M.; Moeller, M.; Emmelmann, C.; Burkhardt, I.; Riekehr, S.; Ventzke, V.; Kashaev, N.; Enz, J.: Laser Metal Deposition of Ti-6Al-4V Structures: Analysis of the Build Height Dependent Microstructure and Mechanical Properties. Materials Science & Technology, MS&T 2017. Pittsburgh, PA (USA), 2017.}}