@misc{blankenburg_in_situ_2014, author={Blankenburg, M., Staron, P., Stark, A., Fischer, T., Laipple, D., Schell, N., Bergmann, L., Hilgert, N., dos Santos, J.F., Huber, N., Schreyer, A., Mueller, M.}, title={In situ investigation of phase transformations in friction stir welded steels using high-energy x-ray diffraction}, year={2014}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Darmstadt (D);}, note = {Blankenburg, M.; Staron, P.; Stark, A.; Fischer, T.; Laipple, D.; Schell, N.; Bergmann, L.; Hilgert, N.; dos Santos, J.; Huber, N.; Schreyer, A.; Mueller, M.: In situ investigation of phase transformations in friction stir welded steels using high-energy x-ray diffraction. Materials Science Engineering, MSE 2014. Darmstadt (D), 2014.}}