@misc{kainer_properties_and_2007, author={Kainer, K.U., Rao, K.P., Huang, Y., Abu Leil, T., Hort, N.}, title={Properties and Processing of New Magnesium-Tin-Calcium Alloys for Powertrain and Hand Tool Applications}, year={2007}, howpublished = {conference paper: Chongqing (VRC);}, note = {Kainer, K.; Rao, K.; Huang, Y.; Abu Leil, T.; Hort, N.: Properties and Processing of New Magnesium-Tin-Calcium Alloys for Powertrain and Hand Tool Applications. In: 2007 China Magnesium and Automotive Conference. Chongqing (VRC). 2007. 228-251.}}