@misc{pranzas_online_saxs_2003, author={Pranzas, P.K., Willumeit, R., Kneifel, K., Kamusewitz, H., Weigel, T., Knoechel, A., Gehrke, R., Cunis, S.}, title={Online SAXS Measurements of Polymeric Hollow Fiber Membranes}, year={2003}, howpublished = {conference poster: Hamburg (D);}, note = {Pranzas, P.; Willumeit, R.; Kneifel, K.; Kamusewitz, H.; Weigel, T.; Knoechel, A.; Gehrke, R.; Cunis, S.: Online SAXS Measurements of Polymeric Hollow Fiber Membranes. In: HASYLAB Users' Meeting. Hamburg (D). 2003.}}